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Soft Skills: Graduation Is Only the Start of Your Career in Hospitality

John Savage

The soft skills you will need to succeed will most likely be learned quickly on the job. Just because you have graduated does NOT mean you are an instant Hotelier. There is still much to experience and learn. "Oh no, I thought my education was over!"

Well, yes, the theoretical part of your education is over, and now comes the practical part!

There are a thousand other 'facets' of Hospitality you will need to master, most of which colleges and universities can never hope to teach you. A lot of these are what employers call Soft Skills.

The sad fact is that many employers expect and demand these 'facets' and soft skills from their newly hired graduates. They expect that your college will have already have taught them to you, as they do not have the time or resources to teach you once you are employed.

Someone once asked me what I had learned from all my years in International Hospitality. I joked:

"The only thing that I had learned was how to use a Guest Toilet without removing the strip that proudly states 'Sanitized for your Protection.'"

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